Enlightenment through AIKIDO
Kanshu Sunadomari
P116 「今、この一瞬」より
In an instant, with the destruction of skyscrapers and crippling of expressways, the lives of many people existing at the height of modern material civilization were forced to return to a primitive state.
At such times when the basic essentials of life such as food,clothing, and shelter are in short supply or threatened, poeple often lose their human-like calm and without a thought for anything or anyone else swarm to the available sources of food and nourishment. Day by day,the voices of those in need of water and food become louder and louder. When something once readily available disappears in the blink of an eye, it is then that people come to discover its importance and come to know and experience gratitude.
However, at first there is usually no room for such feelings in our heart. Out of mere desperation and thinking of nothing else, we do everything and anything to search for these essentials. It is only after finally coming to acquire that which we were searching for that we feel a sensation of warmth in our heart and for the first time feel a sense of gratitude toward ande appreciation for what we have.
Cultivating a heart that recognizes the value of things previously taken for granted is important. Just as there are people who come to understand this feeling through direct experience, there are many who come to understand it through images alone (television/media). Conversely, those who despite having been humanness and think no differently than a beast.
This century has been witness to a great amount of flooding throughout areas in Europe, the United States, South America, etc., which has no doubt seved to cleanse and purify much of the harm done by mankind. It may even seem as if the Last
Judgment is upon us.Just why is it that a "Last Judgment" brought about by God has been prophesided? Ever since the birth of mankind, throughout time, people's hearts have become increasingly drawn in by evil, and the human race has proceeded to damage the body of God- the Earth.
P120 「イロハのイの字」より
P124 「修行とは」より
Yesterday, while listening to a broadcast on Japanese radio of a recital of poems written by children, I received a strong impression from one particular poem. It was written by a five-year-old child and here is a summary of it:"Inside me I have good hearts and bad hearts. There are about two hundred of them and they are always fighting. When my hearts win, my mother gets mad at me, but she doesn't know that inside me my good hearts are saying I'm sorry."
Therefore, returning to the concept of shugyo, I believe that the true goal of shugyo is to foster and strengthen the good heart inside each of us. This makes it habitual through instantaneous self-reflection to judge the good from the bad, to conquer our bad heart through our good heart, and to make the performance of benevolent acts a part of our daily lives.
The fact that we have food to eat today is proof that we are given life.
P136 上がったり下がったり
Each individual has his/her own particular personality traits and abilities, etc.; therefore not
everyone can walk the same path. However, the goal of humanity as a whole must be sigular and collective. This goal is none other than to create a world of true peace on the face of the Earth.
The foundation for the creation of this collective spirit was taught by the Founder and expressed in his words, "Aiki is love. It is the way that brings our hearts into oneness with the spirit of the universe, to complete our mission in life by instilling in us a spirit of love and reverence for all of nature."
It is this "spirit of love and reverence for all things" thatis the foundation and core component
needed to bring stability and tranquility to people's wavering hearts. Some may say that such board and lofty ideas are difficult to actively implement in our daily life, but it is not really that hard.
By simply contemplating our own existence, our origin is easily understood. The air, water, sun's light and heat, the earth, and all its plentiful nutrients are provided and bestowed upon us. Nothing is our own.
Through all of these gifts we are given life, and by realizing this we become aware that there has to be a purpose for our existence.
The Founder often spoke of "becoming one with the universe." If every living thing has the same origin, then all things are united and of the same body. Hence, the world should be one of mutual co-existence and mutual prosperity. Why is it that the human race has yet to collectively open its eyes to this?
The attitude of concern only for one's country and people is narrow and archaic, but Practice Aikido is working on a person-to-person basis to transmit and pass on technique that unifies one's spirit with one's partner.
Through this "spirit of love and reverence for all of nature," we attain inner peace and allowing us to move step by step along the path to building Heaven right here on Earth.
P140 元を忘れず
We are here today because of our parents. Our parents exist because of their parents. Coutinuing in this fashion to trace the root of our existence eventually leads us all back to a single orgin and source is the creator of all things. Seeing that we were born upon this Earth and are given life by this source, the conclusion can be drawn that there must be some purpose or mission for our existence here. Naturally, people are not born here on Earth by their own free will and under their own power.
Likewise, our parents too had no control over what kind of child they brought into this world.
If such things were possible, parents would create children to their own specifications,
and there would be little orno suffering in the world. It is God that decides what kind of child will be born.
Therefore, for humans to label a smartchild a good child and one of below-average inte4lligence a bad one is to disrespect God's work. No child is ever born into this world evil. So then, what is responsible for the spawning of evil in society? We must give thought to what is at fault in society today that brings this evil into existence.
Each person is blessed with differents capacities and abilities, but nurturing and developing these abilities is the role of parenting and education. In the plant kingdom, there exist plants that grow and develop on their own without limit and also those that, given lots of human care, fail to grow. The same holds true for people; there are those who develop wonderfully on their own, as well as people whose development comes about through the aid, power, and guidance of others. Hence, it is the duty of elders or those who come before to assess, give guidance, and lead the younger generation.
P144 生かされて
All living things are receivers of the gift of life through the provision of life's essentials. Folding our hands together in thankfulness and prayer to God, the root of our existence and constant source of life, is the powerful basis for creating a new century.
自分の存在を消すようなイメージであること?(Tomo's idea)
P156 強くなるための極意② The Meaning of Strength 2
"What is the spirit of the universe? It is an all-encompassing love that extends in all directions, exists at all times-past,present, and future- and extends throughout every corner of the universe."
"Love knows no conflict and has no enemies. the spirit of the universe is a spirit that recognizes no enemies and enters not into conflict. One who acts in discord with the spirit of the universe cannot harmonize with it. One whose spirit is not in tune with the spirit of the universe cannot harmonize with the movements of the universe.
The budo of one who acts in discord with the movement of the universe is the budo of destruction and not true budo."
"A martial art in which there are conflict, winning ,and losing is not true budo."
"True dudo is masakatsu gakatsu katsuhayabi* and thus it can never be defeated. In other words, to be invincible is to never give any opposition or fight. To be victorious is to win over the conflict that resides within our own heart, defeating the urge to fight with others; and to carry out and accomplish one's God-given mission."
P176 自分に与えられたもの
As a human being and member of the human race entrusted with the mission of protecting and guiding the Earth, reflect on yourself for a moment. What are you, really? Why were you born into this world and why are you here?
Knowing yourself is, first-and-foremost, being conscious that your life is a gift. Making the most of the life we are given entails being mindful that all things that sustain our existence are gifts bestowed upon us by God.
Looking at life from such a perspective, one realizes that there must be a purpose for the existence of each and every person on Earth. If one is simply living life for the sake of living, one is living no different than a beast in the wild. The human race must unite with a singular and common purpose. This purpose is to make the Earth into a truly wonderful and peaceful world.
It is my belief that this "completion of our mission in life" of which the Founder referred to is working toward this collective goal using all of the natural abilities bestowed upon us. Living life unconscious of our mission and acting selfishly with nothing but one's own needs in mind gives birth to conflict and war around the world.
Moreover, being selfishly absorbed in the pursuit of one's own wants and desires leads to environmental damage and destruction of the Earth. The present state of the world demonstrates what happens when material desires and an emphasis on things of a physical nature take precedence. One need not go any further than the Aikido world to see and understand this phenomenon and its consequences. When one pursues only physical strength,
outer form, and technique to down opponent, Aikido becomes nothing more than a fighting art. Despite coming from the same root, when the purpose of Aikido practice changes it comes something completely different. The Founder taught that "Aikido is love."